Friday, 1 June 2012

A Few of Good Books

I'm still excited about how much Charlie enjoys looking at books! It's just so nice to be able to sit and read to him knowing that it's something he wants to do - he's using signing to ask for his stories again and again. 

This is a book we found on holiday...

Such a lovely thing happened.  Charlie took this book to his sister and asked her to read it more than 10 times in a row - just so lovely for both of them :) (Rubbish photo, I was trying not to distract)!

We have had a bargain basement bookshop over the road from us since before Christmas.  I think it opened in an unused shop for the seasonal period but has stayed for the time being.  I have got several really good books for Charlie there and these are what we are reading together at the moment....

'One Drowsy Dragon' by Ethan Long is a fun, rhythmic counting story.  It's about 9 noisy dragons keeping another dragon awake - oh the irony!

'Moo-Cow Kung-Fu-Cow' by Nick Sharratt is a rhyming book about a surreal herd of cows!  It's highly visual and there are some interactive pages.  It's a favourite :)

Finally, 'Thomas and the Starry Night'...... 

This is a counting book with light up stars.  There is a button to press which switches the stars on. 

 This is great for Charlie as he likes 'cause and effect' type activites.  I think this is a brilliant book.  It has a long story which is too lengthy to hold Charlie's attention, but it also has a short counting rhyme going through each page which is perfect.  

So we get to do bedtime stories....happy boy, happy mum, happy days :)

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